

(825) 882-2282 10, 711 - 48 Avenue SE · Calgary · Alberta · T2G 4X2


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a highly concentrated blood sample that contains isolated cells (platelets) and the fluid portions of blood (plasma). PRP can be useful for the following conditions: When used as a therapy, PRP can help regenerate and heal tissues by recruiting cells to an area of injury to clean up dead and injured cells and releasing proteins called “Growth Factors” which are responsible for tissue regeneration. Platelets are blood cells that have multiple purposes in the body. One of their main functions is to produce a clot so that a patient does not bleed to death. However, platelets also contain proteins that can help the body heal.

Platelets contain alpha granules that carry substances called cytokines or growth factors. This includes growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-B). These growth factors are the basis of PRP therapy. They help attract other cells to the wounded area, such as macrophages which engulf pathogens. These growth factors can also activate cells called fibroblasts and endothelial cells to repair wounded and inflamed tissues.

Pets with severe arthritis or ligament damage often benefit most from two or three treatments, separated by 2-4 week intervals.

Commonly Asked Questions

When would PRP therapy be indicated?
PRP is a form of regenerative medicine that has been proposed to treat inflammatory conditions that affect joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It may also help with bone regeneration after a bone fracture. Conditions that can respond include osteoarthritis, acute and chronic soft tissue injuries, and tendon and ligament injuries.

What are the side effects and risks of PRP therapy?
Since PRP therapy requires using a patient's own blood to harvest the sample (autologous), side effects appear to be minimal, but they may include pain, irritation, or bleeding at the site of the injection. Patients often require sedation or general anesthesia when receiving PRP therapy, as it is injected directly into the affected joint or site. Talk to your veterinarian about the risks of sedation and anesthesia. Patients may require multiple injections in order for the treatment to be effective.
If you have any questions, or would like to book an appointment, please call us at (825) 882-2282.
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